To create a document from a proposal, users are required to input data into three important steps:
- Representatives (You are on this step)
- Document Creator
- Pass
Representatives (council/board members, mayors, clerks, or presidents) must be added to create complete documents. Their addition initiates passage by electronic signature through email. Information added to the Representatives popup is automatically saved and applies globally to all publications. Unless a change in representation occurs, this step may be bypassed with each subsequent proposal's passage.
Click on the button labeled "1. Representatives". A popup window will open. The Representatives step has three parts: Legislators, Approvals, and Seal.
- To add a legislator, select the [+] icon.
- Input the names of each legislator. To delete a Legislator, select the trash can to the right of the name.
- Titles of Legislators may be added such as "Councilmember", "Boardmember", etc.
- Legislators become those listed on the document's roll call.
- Votes cast by each legislator will be added in the "Pass" step.
- To add an approver, or those required to sign documents, select the [+] icon. To completely delete an approver, select the trash can to the right of the dropdown.
- Select from the dropdown "Presiding Officer", "Attestor", or "No Signature Block".
- "Presiding Officer" may be a mayor, commissioner, president, or any leading authority. For passage by electronic signature, presiding officers will be the first to receive passed documents via email. The option to approve the document by applying their digital signature will be provided by email. If presiding officers do not approve, emails will NOT be sent to the attestor.
- "Attestor" may be a clerk, recorder, deputy, secretary, or anyone that attests. For passage by electronic signature, the attestor will be the second to receive passed documents via email. The option to attest a presiding officer's signature with their own will be provided by email. Once attested by email, proposed language content changes shown on the document immediately become live and searchable. If attestors do not attest by email, proposals will NOT become live and searchable.
- "No Signature Block"* is how additional signatures may be applied to digitally-passed documents. Although an email field is shown, these approver types will NOT receive an approval email.*
- Input the name, title, and email address of each approver.
- For passage by electronic signature, select "Upload Signature" for each approver. If no graphic is uploaded, publications can still be updated but will require the uploading of a scanned document in the "Pass" step. For best results, a transparent PNG graphic, or JPG graphic, at 750 pixels wide by 188px tall is suggested. To delete a signature graphic, select the trash can to the right of its upload button.
- For passage by electronic signature, select "Upload Seal". If no graphic is uploaded, digital passage is still permitted. For best results, a transparent PNG, or JPG graphic, at 600 pixels wide by 600px tall is suggested. To delete a seal graphic, select the trash can to the right of its upload button.
- Note: This video is accurate as of February 28, 2019, and may not reflect new enhancements or system changes after that date.
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