To review and navigate each publication, the following features are available to guests:
- How to Perform a Search
- Type the desired keyword(s) and select "enter" or "return" on your keyboard
- Hits appear immediately beneath the search field and reveal:
- the Table of Content title name wherein the keyword hit is found;
- hits in numerical and alphabetical order;
- hits divided into two categories: "Exact Match" (highlighted in gold), and "Loose Match" (highlighted in gray) where differing variations of keyword are found;
- a number to the left side of the hit, which signifies the total amount of keywords found throughout the publication, as well as the hit order within the publication;
- Select the desired hit to reveal the context in which the keyword can be found which displays in the main content window at right (keyword hits are highlighted)
- How to Perform a "Selective Search"
- To filter a search within a given criteria, select the box to the left of the Table of Content item(s), and a blue checkbox will appear
- Type the desired keyword(s) and select "enter" or "return" on your keyboard
- Hits appear immediately beneath the search field and reveal hits according to the selected criteria only
- As long as a node is already selected, deselecting any other selected node will exclude that Table of Content item from a subsequent search
- How to Navigate the Table of Contents
- Selecting any Table of Content item will reveal the node's language in the content window at right, including any of its descendant language. Links will be shown for ease of navigation.
- When a Table of Content item has descendants, a triangle "drop down" is shown at its left. Selecting the triangle reveals the item's descendants, but not the descendant's language. Navigating to the desired Table of Content item in this way will not require the loading of the language in the content window, and is often used for quicker navigation.
- How to view the Document Library (the "gavel")
- Selecting the "gavel" icon will reveal all documents within a Table that were used to substantiate the active publication. This provides the following sortable information:
- Whether or not the original/founding document has been uploaded—an icon reveals it has been uploaded, a missing icon implies no document was uploaded
- The TYPE of the original document, albeit an ordinance, resolution, map, article, etc.
- The original document's DATE OF PASSAGE
- The NUMBER or NAME of the original Document
- Any and all REFERENCES to that original document linked throughout the active publication
- Selecting the "gavel" icon will reveal all documents within a Table that were used to substantiate the active publication. This provides the following sortable information:
- How to increase the typeface
- Selecting the "A+" icon will increase the type;
- Selecting the "A-" icon will decrease the type;
- How to view language in "Print Friendly" mode
- Selecting the printer icon will modify the user interface to reveal language only. Selecting CTRL+P thereafter will provide the viewer with a preview screen where additional settings may be selected before printing/saving the document.
- How to quickly navigate between selected Table of Content items
- Selecting the "|<" icon will direct a user to the first node in the selected item's level
- Selecting the ">|" icon will direct a user to the last node in the selected item's level
- Selecting the "<<" icon will direct a user backward one node within the selected item's level
- Selecting the ">>" icon will direct a user forward one node within the selected item's level
- How to Navigate between Books
- Selecting the "Books" link in the masthead will direct visitors to the "Available Books" page, where all the active publications can be found
- Note: This video is accurate as of March 15, 2019, and may not reflect new enhancements or system changes after that date.
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