The Help Center Community includes a voting feature that allows you to upvote or downvote posts and suggestions that you like or dislike. Your votes improve and clarify the need and desire for particular ideas and help our team to know which ideas the Community wants the most. This article will show you how to vote on a Community post.
Important Note
- You must be signed in to the Help Center to vote on Community posts.
- Navigate to the Codification Help Center home page
- Select Community: Get Involved
Note: You may be prompted to log in. If you have never logged into the Help Center before, you will need to create a new account. - Select a Community Topic from the topics options
- Select the desired post
- Click the up arrow to upvote the post, or click the down arrow to downvote the post
- Your vote has been recorded
Note: To undo a vote, simply click the selected arrow again. This will restore the pre-existing vote counter.
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